關於我們│About Us



Co-Win Health has committed ourselves to building a healthy life for the public. We believe that a healthy lifestyle should be rooted in restoring cell nutrition, establishing a correct diet and lifestyle, along with practicing mindfulness. It is our core value that planting the seed of health is the cornerstone of creating a life full of happiness.



我們提供個人化的營養諮詢,有經驗豐富的營養師為您規畫精準的的營養建議,充分達到健康維持。我們的 諮詢項目相當多元,並且從個人角度出發; 以親切與專業兼具的態度服務是我們始終如一的堅持。

Co-Win Health provides personalized nutrition counseling. This is achieved by organizing professional suggestions that are a precise and safe way for you to effectively perform health maintenance. The scope of our consulting service is highly diversified and personalized.



產品來自通過美國有機製程認證的製造廠,符合美國FDA的監督,提供各類營養食品,品項多元,熱門商品包括常活菌、上品魚油、維生素B群、贏鈣、纖黎淳、贏養Q10膠囊、 硒酵母膠囊、贏寶膠囊、亮晶膠囊、蛋白素、全方位營養粉、雅可親綜合嚼錠等,為您打造全方營養建議與膳食計畫。

Our products are imported from a certified manufacturing plant and the quality of our products complies with U.S. FDA regulations. We provide a variety of nutritional supplements, such as Flora-Win, Omega-Win, B-Win Plus Tablet, Cal-Win Plus Tablet, Imu-Win, Fiberveratrol-Win, Selenium-Win, Crystalline-Win, Protein-Win, etc..



美國原裝進口,符合cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) 嚴格作業流程。無論從原料來源、製作過程、品質監控、乃至成品的包裝運送皆以衛生安全標準來把關,是您安心的選擇。

As our products are imported from the U.S., the manufacturing procedure is in line with the strict operating standard of cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) . The source of raw materials, production process, quality control, and the packaging and delivery of finished products are all strictly regulated and comply with hygiene and safety standards. This ensures that you only receive high quality products.




Co-Win Health insists on providing quality health services with dedication and passion. We strive to pass on health values that serve the well-being of our customers and aligns with our vision to pursue sustainable development based on reciprocal growth among partnerships, customers, and communities.